Hi @Rajan,
It is possible to reduce the size of the MongoDB database by using the compact
command, but please note this is a blocking command; cryoSPARC will not work while this command is running.
MongoDB does not release storage space back to the OS when you delete documents, which is why the storage size remains the same.
First, create a backup of your database.
Then, in a shell on the master node:
cryosparcm restart
eval $(cryosparcm env)
mongo localhost:$CRYOSPARC_MONGO_PORT # will create a db shell
use meteor db.stats() db.runCommand({compact:'projects', force: true}) db.runCommand({compact:'workspaces', force: true}) db.runCommand({compact:'jobs', force: true}) db.runCommand({compact:'users', force: true}) db.runCommand({compact:'cache_files', force: true}) db.runCommand({compact:'events', force: true}) db.runCommand({compact:'file_index', force: true}) db.runCommand({compact:'fs.chunks', force: true}) db.runCommand({compact:'fs.files', force: true}) db.runCommand({compact:'int_curate_exposures', force: true}) db.runCommand({compact:'notifications', force: true}) db.stats()
You can compare the difference in size using the output of the db.stats()
For more information on the compact
command, see: https://docs.mongodb.com/v3.4/reference/command/compact/
Also, to answer your second question, no, deleting a user does not delete any other associated information.