Massive performance issues through massive database?

A cryoSPARC instance may grow to a large size after lots of usage. For example,

  • the single database that handles an instance’s configuration and metadata may grow to many hundreds of gigabytes
  • the combined master workload (metadata and data management, interactive jobs, etc.) may exceed a single server’s capacity

It may be time to “split” the instance. How to best divide a large instance depends on the circumstances at your institution and on your instance’s projects.

  • each instance has its own master process(es)
  • the port ranges of instance’s on the same host must not overlap
  • therefore: an instance must be assigned a unique url (a combination of <host>:<baseport>)
  • a project directory cannot be assigned to more than on instance
  • each instance has its own database
  • the server hosting one or more cryoSPARC master(s) must be able to handle the combined workload of interactive jobs that must run on the given master host


  • aim for a division that assigns users that will collaborate on cryoSPARC projects to the same instance
  • keep in mind that a project directory cannot be assigned to more than one cryoSPARC instance at any given time.

Plausible demarcations for the split could be:

  • cryoem researchers in a small lab
  • a single user who works an multiple cryoem projects

In addition or, under some circumstances, as an alternative to splitting up a large cryoSPARC instance, one might consider archiving data that no longer need to be accessed through or by the cryoSPARC instance. Because cryoSPARC project directories are “portable” (i.e. they contain metadata that facilitate their import to another cryoSPARC instance, or re-import to the same instance), one can shrink an instance’s data volume with this sequence:

  1. create an archival copy of the project directory (ensure all links a dereferenced!)
  2. delete the project from the cryoSPARC instance (deletes data from the filesystem and from the database)
  3. reclaim filesystem space no longer needed by the shrunk database (see a related discussion)
  4. [import the archival copy to this or another cryoSPARC instance if/when needed]

Space usage can also be reduced by deleting intermediate results.

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