TypeError: while configuring database automatically, update to v4.0.0

The version is v3.3.2 now in home workstation. I try to automatically update to v4.0.0 by typing’ cryosparcm update’. Here is an error

It seems to look like not successful, anyone meet the problem?

Yes I’ve run into the same issue. You probably did not shut down previous Cryosparc instances or jobs that were running in the background.

Make sure that processes related with csparc are killed, the right libraries are loaded, then run “cryosparcm update --override” to force reinstallation of version 4.

Hi @sltckr,

Could you please send the contents of $CRYOSPARC_ROOT_DIR/run/database.log?

Sorry for the late reply, I just downgraded back to v3.3.2 that time. I try to update to V4.1.1, there is another error :joy:, here is the link:Problem of Version mismatch, updated to version V4.1.1

Thanks a lot.