Topaz and deepemhancer not working in version 4.1.2

Thanks @vijayverma for trying that. What is the output when you run the following command on hermes?

 cryosparcm cli "get_project('P6', 'project_params_pdef')"

To avoid miscommunication due to transcription errors, you may want to both

  1. copy, using mouse or trackpad instead of typing, the command you ran and its output on the terminal app, then paste into your post.
  2. confirm by also posting a screenshot (windows, macOS).

[cryosparc@hermes ~]$ cryosparcm cli “get_project(‘P6’, ‘project_params_pdef’)”
{‘_id’: ‘655cff1078fe5da1a12d3383’, ‘project_params_pdef’: {}}

Interesting. It seems that Path to Topaz executable was not set project-wide. Was it defined at the job level?
Please can you post terminal text and screenshot also for this command:

cryosparcm cli "get_job('P6', 'J34', 'job_type', 'params_spec')"

For this command, I assumed that the project and job identifiers that you posted in Topaz and deepemhancer not working in version 4.1.2 - #12 by vijayverma.

[cryosparc@hermes ~]$ cryosparcm cli “get_job(‘P6’, ‘J34’, ‘job_type’, ‘params_spec’)”
{‘_id’: ‘655f6ea56d00817e2ec62154’, ‘job_type’: ‘topaz_extract’, ‘params_spec’: {‘exec_path’: {‘value’: ‘/home/cryosparc/anaconda2/envs/topaz/bin/topaz’}}, ‘project_uid’: ‘P6’, ‘uid’: ‘J34’}

Thanks. On hermes, what are the outputs of the commands:

/home/cryosparc/anaconda2/envs/topaz/bin/topaz --version
stat /home/cryosparc/anaconda2/envs/topaz/bin/topaz

[cryosparc@hermes ~] /home/cryosparc/anaconda2/envs/topaz/bin/topaz -bash: /home/cryosparc/anaconda2/envs/topaz/bin/topaz: No such file or directory [cryosparc@hermes ~] stat /home/cryosparc/anaconda2/envs/topaz/bin/topaz
stat: cannot statx ‘/home/cryosparc/anaconda2/envs/topaz/bin/topaz’: No such file or directory
[cryosparc@hermes ~]$

previous post was not clear.
[cryosparc@hermes ~] /home/cryosparc/anaconda2/envs/topaz/bin/topaz -bash: /home/cryosparc/anaconda2/envs/topaz/bin/topaz: No such file or directory [cryosparc@hermes ~] stat /home/cryosparc/anaconda2/envs/topaz/bin/topaz
stat: cannot statx ‘/home/cryosparc/anaconda2/envs/topaz/bin/topaz’: No such file or directory
[cryosparc@hermes ~]$

This command i gave at remote comuter connected to hermes, not on hermes itself.

Your Topaz job probably has failed because a non-existing Path to Topaz executable was specified for the job. You may want to re-retry the job with a valid Path to Topaz executable.
To predict whether
is a suitable path, I would like to see the output on hermes of the command

/home/cryosparc/cryosparc/cryosparc_worker/bin/cryosparcw call /programs/x86_64-linux/system/sbgrid_bin/topaz --version

Please ensure the --version option at the command’s end is included.

The command may have been entered on another computer, but it seems that that other computer was correctly connected (via ssh?) to hermes such that the command ran on hermes:

[cryosparc@hermes ~]$ /home/cryosparc/cryosparc/cryosparc_worker/bin/cryosparcw call /programs/x86_64-linux/system/sbgrid_bin/topaz --version
TOPAZ 0.2.5a
[cryosparc@hermes ~]$

Looks good. You may want to try running a Topaz job where you specify


as the Path to Topaz executable and post here if you encounter a problem.

It works ,
Thank You
but when I do 2D class from this input from Topaz extarct it gives below error-Traceback (most recent call last):
File “cryosparc_master/cryosparc_compute/”, line 62, in
File “/home/cryosparc/cryosparc/cryosparc_worker/cryosparc_compute/jobs/”, line 1117, in check_default_inputs
assert False, 'Non-optional inputs from the following input groups and their slots are not connected: ’ + missing_inputs + ‘. Please connect all required inputs.’
AssertionError: Non-optional inputs from the following input groups and their slots are not connected: particles.blob. Please connect all required inputs.
Is this connected to Topaz or I should start a new question for this ?

Thank you for asking. Please start a new topic. This will allow me to close this topic.