Could anyone help me figure out why my reference based motion correction is giving me this error? I’ve attached a screen shot that shows the error and when it occurs. Interestingly, the point at which it terminates is seemingly random during cross validation - perhaps some images are holding it up that didn’t hold up motion correction or CTF in cryosparc live?
All of my data are processed within cryosparc, I used cryosparc live for motion correction and CTF before exporting - I’ve picked particles and gone through multiple round of 3D classification/refinements, and have obtained nice high resolution structures (2.4A at best).
I have attempted two data sets, one where I have extracted particles, sorted particles (classification) and refined structures in C1, it has a large box size of 720 (1.048A/Pix).
A more complicated model I was trying, is where my particles were refined in C2, symmetry expanded, then re-extracted on one end of the molecule and reprocessed through classification, particle subtraction and refinements.
I’m not sure how to diagnose this, as the only error message I get is the job was terminated abnormally. I have successfully updated drivers and have tested 3D classification, refinements and orientation diagnosis, all working with my v4.4.
To add a little to this error. I have also tested the test-dataset and everything runs smoothy, I used the job builder to build every job, instead cryosparc live. Reference based motion correction works in this case.
So it’s likely some difference between the data sets.
Connor Arkinson.