Hi guys,
For importing the Optics groups when the collection has been done with EPU AFIS strategy (Creating Optics Groups from EPU AFIS data and more - Cryo-EM - SciLifeLab Forum) first one should run the EPU_GROUP_AFIS tool (GitHub - DustinMorado/EPU_group_AFIS: Makes RELION 3.1 Optics Groups from EPU AFIS data)
The output is a .star file for using Relion/Scipion. Here I show how do I do to import the correct exposure group info in to Cryosparc.
$ python EPU_Group_AFIS.py --xml_dir '<PATH_TO_XML>' --apix 0.86 --ftype tiff --movie_dir '<PATH_TO_movies>' --output_fn '<PATH_TO_outputfolder>/movies.star'
#--algorithm hac
Step 2 curate output
I enter the output file and eleminate the header then sort data for better comprehension runing in the terminal
$ sort -k2,2 movies.star > movies.good.sorted
Then I enter with NEDIT the sorted file. IS important to use Nedit as it has the posibility of select in columns (Ctrl+SHIFT)
nedit '<PATH_TO_outputfolder>/movies.good.sorted'
Then I change the text of EACH line to have the following example text you can do it selecting the text in colmuns (ctrl+shift+mouse click), then REPLACING the text with the replace tool to do all lines at the same time.
Example of one line:
micrographs.data[‘ctf/exp_group_id’] [micrographs.data[‘movie_blob/path’] == ‘J1/imported/FoilHole_4113390_Data_3092199_3092201_20201204_100228_fractions.tiff’] = 20
#In BOLD the formula text that you have to include in between the micrographs paths and the optic group
#In ITALICS the adres of the micrographs that you found using micrographs.data[‘movie_blob/path’] and the actual optic group.
Save the file with the name: ctf.py
Duplicate the ctf.py file and in the ducplicate change the marked field for all the lines:
Example of one line:
micrographs.data[‘mscope_params/exp_group_id’] [micrographs.data[‘movie_blob/path’] == ‘J1/imported/FoilHole_4113390_Data_3092199_3092201_20201204_100228_fractions.tiff’] = 20
#In BOLD the substitution
Save the file name: mscope_params.py
Step 3 run Pymol to change the optics group using the 2 files form step 2.
In a terminal open the file ‘*_passthrough_exposures_accepted.cs’ of the accepted exposures after the exposure curation job in PYTHON using the following:
$ cryosparcm icli
Now we are in a Python terminal then I write teh following
import numpy as n
import sys
from cryosparc_compute import dataset
dataset_path = '<PATH_TO_JOB>/*_passthrough_exposures_accepted.cs'
micrographs = dataset.Dataset().from_file(dataset_path)
Then I check everything is correctly loaded.
I run then the two files using
Then I check that they groups are changed in the Python terminal
I shouold see a long matrix with the numbers of the neww optic groups
I shouold see a long matrix with the numbers of the neww optic groups
to save the changes in the ‘*_passthrough_exposures_accepted.cs’ type in the python terminal:
micrographs.to_file(dataset_path) #particles.to_file(dataset_path)
I close the Python terminal
In cryoparc I use the job Import result group
Loading the .csg file that is related to the ‘<PATH_TO_JOB>/*_passthrough_exposures_accepted.cs’ that we modified using python.
This: ‘<PATH_TO_JOB>/*_passthrough_exposures_accepted.csg’
For checking In cryosparc I use the job exposure Group Utilities
input: result from importing
action: info_only
Work with this exposures.