Error creating jobs (instance id mismatch)

Dear support team,

I could start jobs without any problem in my workspace before the update. Since then I get this error message. Is there anything I can do to solve it?

Unable to create job: ServerError: validation error: instance id mismatch for P24. Expected 687afdf2-5e3c-423f-80c4-481ab5b0d01a, actual 8c8630cb-6045-4f31-afa2-655e9ab5a638. This indicates that P24 was attached to another cryoSPARC instance without detaching from this one.

Best regards,
Nuno Bustorff

Hi @nbustorff,

You can use cryosparcm cli "take_over_project('P24', True)" to re-lock the project to your current instance.

An instance ID is unique for each instance of CryoSPARC, and is used to ensure projects are not modified by other CryoSPARC instances. Is the project directory of P24 being used by any other instance of CryoSPARC?

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I started the project in one instance and imported it to a second one and created all jobs and workspaces in the second one. I didnt start any other job on the first instance after importing it.

Best regards,

Hi @nbustorff,

As of CryoSPARC v4.0+, the recommended workflow for moving a project form one instance of CryoSPARC to another is to use the Attach/Detach project features. A project should first be detached from an instance before being attached to the new instance it is being moved to. Please see the page of the guide for more details: Guide: Data Management in CryoSPARC (v4.0+) - CryoSPARC Guide

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