Opposite hand doesn’t work either - strange. I will try in a couple more test cases and see if I can figure it out, thanks!
My test case didn’t improve in either hand either. I assumed I’d done something wrong, but it’s very possible there’s a flaw in my reasoning. I’ll think more about it!
I tried on a second case and same thing - both the “correct” and inverse adjustments made resolution worse (where I would expect one to make it better and one to make it worse, compared to no adjustment).
In the case that worked, the subparticle transformation corresponded to a direct translation along the z-axis - could that somehow make the difference?
So I’m not sure if this is the issue but it is an issue:
Here, if in VAT one doesn’t specify a unit (defaults to px), this loop is never run - because the length of recenter_regex.groups()
is 4 regardless whether the unit is explicitly specified. If a unit is not specified, it has the format ('x', 'y', 'z', None)
. The consequence of this is that if the initial center is entered without units, it remains in pixels - it is never converted to Å.
Whoops! Sorry about that, forgot it’s a conditional group at the end there (“…so I used regex. Now I have two problems”). Replacing that line with
if recenter_regex.group(4) != "A":
ought to fix that issue at least. Still thinking about why it’s not working…
Yes that fixes that issue, but main issue (resolution getting worse after adjusting defocus) still remains…
The weird thing is it works really well in one case (where the recentering vector is directly along z), but not in other cases - I wonder if that somehow has something to do with it…
I think it might do; I had a case a while ago (tangentally defocus related) where modifications along Z were OK, offset was all messed up - I screwed up the ZYZ handling in my rotation calculations.
I guess it depends on the format of alignments3D/pose
… docs for the scipy transformation are here: from_rotvec — SciPy v1.14.0 Manual
This is also where in the docs for CS tools, it would be useful to have a detailed description of all the data structures in CS, in addition to a description of the modules - a description of e.g. how pose is specified would be helpful (maybe it is there already, I just couldn’t find it at a glance)
From here: It's time I admit I don't know what Rodrigues vectors are - #3 by DanielAsarnow
Pose is specified in axis-angle representation, which is what from_rotvec
is expecting by default, and printing alignments3d/pose
during the script looks consistent with that. What I don’t quite understand is whether something is going wrong when applying that transformation to the recentering vector - that is all I can think of as the issue, but can’t figure out why that would be the case…
After a bit of time away from the problem, this:
# assume volume was well-centered
recenter_vector_A = map_size_A / 2 - new_center_A
# recenter_vector_A is the vector pointing from the old center to the
# new center in the reference pose. Now we rotate this vector for each
# recentered particle by applying the pose
is looking incorrect to me. This vector points from the new center to the old box center. @olibclarke could you try swapping the order of those operands, i.e.,
recenter_vector_A = new_center_A - map_size_A / 2
and testing that? Asking you to do it to avoid the confounding variable of my slapdash EMPIAR virus map being in the wrong hand or otherwise bad .
If this vector is pointing the wrong way, Z would be the correct length but flipped in the Z-only case (which worked), so you may need to try adding pose_center_vec_A
to the defocus rather than subtracting it in the row iterations.
Hi Rich,
I tried that, but unfortunately it still makes things slightly worse than without adjustment… regardless of whether I add or subtract to adjust the defocus…
Thanks for taking a swing at it for me. I’ll keep thinking!
@olibclarke I had to think a little bit but I believe I have corrected for different micrograph and particle pixel sizes from cryosparc. I think the defocus transformation should be correct if you don’t use --inverty and do the re-extraction in Relion. In the cryosparc case the Y axis might not be right. Also it’s not strictly necessary to recenter if the subparticles don’t need a smaller box - if the same box is kept then all recentering does is make the particle origins normally distributed around the origin.
@olibclarke Also the function was changing the defocus angle based on a very old misunderstanding I had at the beginning of grad school! Now it will only change the defocus values.
Thanks Dan I will give this a try!! One thing - why is re-extraction in relion necessary in this case?
It shouldn’t be, I’m just sure it will behave as expected that way. The coordinate flip either on export or when importing back to CS might make the origin shift the wrong direction, I have to check/think about it.
HI @rposert,
This script is still very handy! However, it fails using input from volume alignment tools as of CS v4.6.2, as VAT no longer has a particles.ctf slot in the output:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "adjust_defocus_subparticles.py", line 81, in <module>
row["ctf/df1_A"] -= pose_recenter_vec_A[2]
File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cryosparc/row.py", line 36, in __getitem__
return self.cols[key][self.idx]
KeyError: 'ctf/df1_A'
VAT output (v4.2):
VAT output (job cloned and run in 4.6.2):
By the way, did you ever figure out why it is working for translations along Z, but not other defocus adjustments?
This error seems to be due to a way metadata is handled in v4.6.2. If I run local refine (4.6.2) → VAT (v4.6.2) → adjust defocus, everything is fine. If I run local refine (old, v4.2) → VAT (v4.6.2) I get the problem above. Looking at the local refine jobs:
Input from local refine (v4.6.2):
Input from local refine (v4.2):
So if an old local refinement job (or particle set in general) is passed to a new VAT job, the particles.ctf slot is lost. This also causes failure of subsequent reconstruction jobs:
Hi Oli!
This script is still very handy!
I’m happy to hear that!
However, it fails using input from volume alignment tools as of CS v4.6.2, as VAT no longer has a particles.ctf slot in the output […] This error seems to be due to a way metadata is handled in v4.6.2. If I run local refine (4.6.2) → VAT (v4.6.2) → adjust defocus, everything is fine. If I run local refine (old, v4.2) → VAT (v4.6.2) I get the problem above.
Hmm…I’m having trouble reproducing this. If I run a modern VAT job on particles from an old Homogeneous Refinement my outputs look as expected (like your first image). Could you make a new topic for this problem?
By the way, did you ever figure out why it is working for translations along Z, but not other defocus adjustments?
No, I never found a good dataset to test it on locally…but looking back at the code, could you try changing this line:
pose_recenter_vec_A = pose.apply(recenter_vector_A)
pose_recenter_vec_A = pose.inv().apply(recenter_vector_A)
As-is, I think I was moving the particle in the camera coordinates and then reading its shift in its local coordinates, when we want to do the opposite. Let me know if this change helps!
Hi @rposert,
Hmm…I’m having trouble reproducing this. If I run a modern VAT job on particles from an old Homogeneous Refinement my outputs look as expected (like your first image). Could you make a new topic for this problem?
Split out as a separate thread here, thanks!
No, I never found a good dataset to test it on locally…but looking back at the code, could you try changing this line:
pose_recenter_vec_A = pose.apply(recenter_vector_A)
pose_recenter_vec_A = pose.inv().apply(recenter_vector_A)
This change unfortunately makes the resolution worse. I have a dataset I can provide for you to test with if useful? Where using the script to modify a defocus of a subparticle on the Z axis improves resolution substantially, but degrades resolution for a subparticle in the X-Y plane off-axis?
I added in some debugging and it seems like after combining a couple of the alterations in this thread, it is now giving max and min z-displacement values which match the measured distance in the structure . Running a test now on a case which should see improvement from this - will report back once the test is complete.
That did the trick finally!! It is working now, even for off-axis subparticles! Improved resolution by 0.2Å for an off-axis subparticle! Here is the script I am using, thanks @rposert so much for your patience & perserverance!
from cryosparc.tools import CryoSPARC
import json
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import re
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
with open(Path('~/instance_info.json').expanduser(), 'r') as f:
instance_info = json.load(f)
cs = CryoSPARC(**instance_info)
assert cs.test_connection()
project_number = "P35"
workspace_number = "W1"
vol_align_uid = "J1081"
project = cs.find_project(project_number)
job = project.find_job(vol_align_uid)
particles = job.load_output("particles")
volume = job.load_output("volume")
apix = volume["map/psize_A"][0]
map_size_px = volume["map/shape"][0]
map_size_A = map_size_px * apix
if "recenter_shift" in job.doc["params_spec"]:
recenter_pattern = r"([\.\d]+), ?([\.\d]+), ?([\.\d]+) ?(px|A)?"
recenter_string = job.doc["params_spec"]["recenter_shift"]["value"]
recenter_regex = re.match(recenter_pattern, recenter_string)
print("group 4=",recenter_regex.group(4))
new_center_A = np.array([
float(x) for x in [
if recenter_regex.group(4) != "A":
new_center_A *= apix
# rather than re-calculate the center of mass, just get it from the job log
# NOTE: cs.cli.get_job_streamlog() is hidden and experimental --
# it may change without warning
vol_align_log = cs.cli.get_job_streamlog(project_number, vol_align_uid)
centering_line = [x["text"] for x in vol_align_log if "New center will be" in x["text"]]
new_center_vox = re.search(r"([\.\d]+), ([\.\d]+), ([\.\d]+)", centering_line[0])
new_center_vox = np.array([
float(x) for x in [
new_center_A = new_center_vox * apix
# assume volume was well-centered
recenter_vector_A = new_center_A - map_size_A / 2
# recenter_vector_A is the vector pointing from the old center to the
# new center in the reference pose. Now we rotate this vector for each
# recentered particle by applying the pose
# iterating over rows is slow...
z_displacements = []
for row in particles.rows():
pose = R.from_rotvec(row["alignments3D/pose"])
pose_recenter_vec_A = pose.inv().apply(recenter_vector_A)
row["ctf/df1_A"] -= pose_recenter_vec_A[2]
row["ctf/df2_A"] -= pose_recenter_vec_A[2]
max_z = np.max(z_displacements)
min_z = np.min(z_displacements)
mean_z = np.mean(z_displacements)
print(f"Max Z displacement: {max_z:.2f} Å")
print(f"Min Z displacement: {min_z:.2f} Å")
print(f"Mean Z displacement: {mean_z:.2f} Å")
out_job = project.create_external_job(
workspace_uid = workspace_number,
title = "Defocus-adjusted particles"
type = "particle",
name = "input_particles"
target_input = "input_particles",
source_job_uid = vol_align_uid,
source_output = "particles"
type = "particle",
name = "particles",
passthrough = "input_particles",
slots = ["ctf"],
alloc = particles
out_job.save_output("particles", particles)
out_job.log("Job created with adjust-defocus.ipynb")
I have for now left a few print statements etc in there for debugging purposes. @rposert it would be super helpful if this could be incorporated as an option in VAT!
… although now the modified script no longer works for subparticles from the same assembly located on the Z axis, which did work with the original script, so there is still something wrong. Hmm. So now I have one script that works perfectly for subparticles in the X-Y plane, and one that works perfectly for subparticles that are on the Z-axis, but nothing that works for both. Clearly missing something…
Ah I may have figured out what was going on. The subparticle in the X-Y plane was generated from a volume that had a different handedness from the one that generated the subparticle on the Z-axis. Testing to confirm that is the issue now and will report back.
Glad we got it working, thanks as much to your patience as mine! Depending on the result of the final test, you may need to add pose_recenter_vec_A
instead of subtracting it, I didn’t pay too much attention to the sign of the defocus shifts when writing this.
Ok confirmed, this works for both subparticles - just may need to flip the sign of the adjustment depending on whether the initial hand was correct (subtraction works for a volume with the correct hand):
from cryosparc.tools import CryoSPARC
import json
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import re import os
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
with open(Path('~/instance_info.json').expanduser(), 'r') as f:
instance_info = json.load(f)
#Example instance_info.json in comment below;
#(license can be found in config.sh, within cryosparc2_master directory):
# "license": "xxx",
# "email": "email@email.com",
# "password": "password",
# "base_port": 39000,
# "host": "156.xxx.xxx.xxx"
cs = CryoSPARC(**instance_info)
assert cs.test_connection()
project_number = "P35"
workspace_number = "W1"
vol_align_uid = "J1000"
project = cs.find_project(project_number)
job = project.find_job(vol_align_uid)
particles = job.load_output("particles")
volume = job.load_output("volume")
apix = volume["map/psize_A"][0]
map_size_px = volume["map/shape"][0]
map_size_A = map_size_px * apix
if "recenter_shift" in job.doc["params_spec"]:
recenter_pattern = r"([\.\d]+), ?([\.\d]+), ?([\.\d]+) ?(px|A)?"
recenter_string = job.doc["params_spec"]["recenter_shift"]["value"]
recenter_regex = re.match(recenter_pattern, recenter_string)
print("group 4=",recenter_regex.group(4))
new_center_A = np.array([
float(x) for x in [
if recenter_regex.group(4) != "A":
new_center_A *= apix
# rather than re-calculate the center of mass, just get it from the job log
# NOTE: cs.cli.get_job_streamlog() is hidden and experimental --
# it may change without warning
vol_align_log = cs.cli.get_job_streamlog(project_number, vol_align_uid)
centering_line = [x["text"] for x in vol_align_log if "New center will be" in x["text"]]
new_center_vox = re.search(r"([\.\d]+), ([\.\d]+), ([\.\d]+)", centering_line[0])
new_center_vox = np.array([
float(x) for x in [
new_center_A = new_center_vox * apix
# assume volume was well-centered
#recenter_vector_A = new_center_A - map_size_A / 2
recenter_vector_A = map_size_A / 2 - new_center_A
# recenter_vector_A is the vector pointing from the old center to the
# new center in the reference pose. Now we rotate this vector for each
# recentered particle by applying the pose
# iterating over rows is slow...
z_displacements = []
for row in particles.rows():
pose = R.from_rotvec(row["alignments3D/pose"])
#pose_recenter_vec_A = pose.apply(recenter_vector_A)
pose_recenter_vec_A = pose.inv().apply(recenter_vector_A)
row["ctf/df1_A"] -= pose_recenter_vec_A[2]
row["ctf/df2_A"] -= pose_recenter_vec_A[2]
max_z = np.max(z_displacements)
min_z = np.min(z_displacements)
mean_z = np.mean(z_displacements)
print(f"Max Z displacement: {max_z:.2f} Å")
print(f"Min Z displacement: {min_z:.2f} Å")
print(f"Mean Z displacement: {mean_z:.2f} Å")
out_job = project.create_external_job(
workspace_uid = workspace_number,
title = "Defocus-adjusted particles"
type = "particle",
name = "input_particles"
target_input = "input_particles",
source_job_uid = vol_align_uid,
source_output = "particles"
type = "particle",
name = "particles",
passthrough = "input_particles",
slots = ["ctf"],
alloc = particles
out_job.save_output("particles", particles)
full_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
out_job.log(f"Job created using: {full_path}")
with out_job.run():
out_job.log("Trying to log script now...")
with open(__file__, "r") as script: