Why a server can't run on two computers in the same time?

I apply a new ID, and log in an new compute with my new ID, and I make it to be admin, like my teacher’s. But I find,while I am running job on the second new computer, I will be forecd to stop, if my teach starts to run in the first computer. Why! we already use different ID in different computer. Why can’t we run in the same time?

Welcome to the forum @yangtaili.

Are you referring to a CryoSPARC license ID?
Each individual installation of cryosparc_master/ (“CryoSPARC instance”) requires a unique license ID. Running two or more CryoSPARC instances using the same license ID is not supported. You may request an additional license ID here.
That said, each CryoSPARC project directory is linked to a specific CryoSPARC instance and cannot be used by more than one CryoSPARC instance simultaneously. If you wish to collaborate on a CryoSPARC project using multiple GPU computers, you may consider a single, shared CryoSPARC instance with multiple users and multiple connected workers or a connected cluster of GPU servers.

Thanks! yes, I applied another new, now. But the two cryosparc has already installed in the same ID. So the two methods you metioned means I need to reinstall agian?Sorry to ask such a question!

Not necessarily.

If you wish to keep two independent CryoSPARC instances, you would just need to replace the existing (duplicated) license IDs defined by the CRYOSPARC_LICENSE_ID variable in the config.sh files inside the existing cryosparc_master/ and cryosparc_worker/ directories of one CryoSPARC instance with the new license ID and run
cryosparcm restart for that CryoSPARC instance. Please note that the license IDs defined inside cryosparc_master/config.sh and cryosparc_worker/config.sh files of the same CryoSPARC instance need to match.

If, alternatively, you wish to to create a single, multi-worker CryoSPARC instance, you can just

  1. stop one of the instances.
  2. connect the stopped instance’s worker component to the other, remaining CryoSPARC instance. A cryosparc_worker/ reinstallation would not be required if both CryoSPARC instances were of the same version and patch. You would also need to confirm matching CRYOSPARC_LICENSE_ID values for all config.sh files of that putative expanded CryoSPARC instance (as already mentioned above).

Thank you very much ! I will have a try!