Updating database via new cryosparc installation versus cryosparcm update

Hi All

I update my cryosparc install not via cryosparcm update but rather by just installing the newest version in a fresh directory. Can I simply connect the MongoDB database from the previous cryosparc version to this new instance ? Or is there some updates that need to be done (how are these done? )

Thank you

I have tested something similar for the installation of CryoSPARC v4.3.1, with a database that was last used with a v4.3.0 instance. You may try:

  1. cryosparcm stop
  2. confirm there are no remaining CryoSPARC processes
    ps -eopid,ppid,cmd | grep -e mongo -e cryosparc
  3. take precautions against future starts of the old CryoSPARC installation
    mv cryosparc_master cryosparc_master.retired_Sep2023
  4. download and install CryoSPARC with a temporary, --dbpath that does not already exist and the same --port as your retired CryoSPARC installation’s CRYOSPARC_BASE_PORT
  5. confirm there are no remaining CryoSPARC processes (none are expected at this point)
    ps -eopid,ppid,cmd | grep -e mongo -e cryosparc
  6. modify /path/to/cryosparc_master/config.sh to point to the retired installation’s CRYOSPARC_DB_PATH
  7. /path/to/cryosparc_master/bin/cryosparcm start
  8. confirm the old database’s information s available. For example:
    cryosparcm listusers