The webgui don't work after update

Dear all,

when I update the cryosparc to v3.3.2, the Database migration is quite slow and WEBGUI can’t do any jobs. when I run cryosparcm status, it showed
An error ocurred while checking license status
Could not get license verification status. are all CryoSPARC processes Running?

Any idea about it?
Thanks a lot for your help!

Best Regards,
Bo Shu

Hi Bo Shu,

It seems that a service on which the webgui depends did not start normally.

Please can you post any related warning or error messages, including surrounding lines of output.
Please also send us a compressed archive that includes copies of the

  • command_core.log
  • command_vis.log
  • database.log
  • webapp.log

files from the cryosparc_master/run/ directory. I will send you a direct message with additional details.

Thanks for this advice. The problem is from school internet service, and problem solved.

Best Regards,
Bo Shu