The cryoparc stall at command core: started when I first running it

Hi my friends,

When I first installed and started cryoparc,the process was stalled at command core. The proxy of my server is https/http and I closed firewall. And it doesn’t work to reinstall it. When I checked the log of command core, it show License does not have telemetry enabled; will re-check license in 1 hour as shown in the image below. I don’t konw why and how to solve it. Can you give me some help.

Thanks a lot.

@ wtempel

Welcome to the forum @shangzheng .

What are the outputs of these commands:

cryosparcm status | grep -v LICENSE
cat /etc/hosts
hostname -f
host $(hostname -f)
ps -eo user,pid,ppid,start,command | grep -e cryosparc_ -e mongo
ls -l /tmp/cryosparc*sock
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