I am trying to install cryoSPARC on my Mac. As soon as I enter “Yes” to download, I get:
Installing at
Downloading latest cryoSPARC distribution…
tar: Option --overwrite is not supported
List: tar -tf
Extract: tar -xf
Create: tar -cf [filenames…]
Help: tar --help
sh18051:~ HansenLab$
And that’s it. I used HomeBrew to make sure I have a GCC equivalent of 4.9.
which nvcc
do not report anything. I tried installing the CUDA setup script for Ubuntu but perhaps that didn’t work since I’m not actually using Ubuntu? I am very naive with this sort of thing so I am having trouble figuring this out. My brother (PhD in computer science) helped me get the GCC stuff together, but I don’t know what to do from here as that may not have been an issue?
Install GNU version of tar using homebrew and put it first in your PATH. You will probably want all the other GNU utilities as well. Just copied pasted from a standard Mac setup script I have for student laptops, so remove the packages you don’t want.