Structura Biotechnology(CryoSparc) representation at meetings (in-person)

I was at the “largest” cryo-EM user meeting in Europe this May, CCPEM in Nottingham UK

It was really exciting to have to your Application Scientist represent CryoSparc with a poster at the meeting. The poster was confusing as it was just one day before the major release of v4.4.1 to v4.5 and I did not know about the new features.

This engagement is very helpful, especially with all of the new users. For the annual cryo-EM meetings in Scotland that I have organized ( the new users raise many questions about the processing software and features.

For me, having a UK based :scotland: :england: Application Scientist attend the meeting and explain how the new features helped was a great experience.

I do hope we have more in-person engagement with the CryoSparc team in the future. Some of the workshops & courses (e.g. EMBO) are highly selective to get into, but is easy enough to get into other cryo-EM events.


Hi team,

(squinting) Are details of that CGRPR case study available anywhere? Would be useful as an example of how to prosecute with 3D-Flex, in particular. IIRC, the results from @belousoff’s Twitter challenge had it reaching, nominally, ~2A, but with local resolution variability.


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We had @kyestachowski at our NYC cryoEM meeting yesterday and his poster was very informative and well-attended! Great to see Structura scientists engaging with the broader cryoEM community :+1:


hi @leetleyang the poster uses

Hi @Mark-A-Nakasone

Thank you. I’m familiar with the EMPIAR entry. I had reprocessed it when it was first released.

From the poster, I got the impression that the team had applied 3D-Flex refinement to it, which could have addressed relative flexibility in the receptor’s ectodomain. I’m curious about the job parameters and, in particular, treatment of the micelle–if at all–during mesh generation.

@apunjani had outlined a few general ways of prosecuting the segmentation of the sub-regions in a previous thread. Wondering if the team found one strategy more amenable than the others in the case of CGRPR.


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HI @leetleyang,

It was @hbridges1 presenting, but settings not on the poster. I did have great discussions with her and she had all of the answers. I even made the joke “how do I get RBMC to stop crashing?” and she told me “not to worry will be much more stable in the upcoming release” - and this is true.

The processing workflow used on the poster was helpful and demonstrates how the new tools can be helpful (denoiser too).

Hi @Mark-A-Nakasone, it was great to meet you at the CCPEM symposium, and thank you for the kind words!

@leetleyang regarding the case study, we are working on a written version that will be made available online in the CryoSPARC guide and will cover the processing details, including our use of 3DFlex on this dataset. Please stay tuned!


Hi @leetleyang and @Mark-A-Nakasone,

I though you would like to know that our full case study on the EMPIAR-10668 dataset is now available online!


Thank you @hbridges1 I am going over it now. It is really helpful to users.

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This is fantastic! Thank you, Hannah!


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