Signal of adjacent particles mess up 2D and 3D classification

Have you tried windowing, as described here?

If my understanding is correct, windowing should prevent the neighboring particles from impacting the alignment, but will still consider all the information in the box in Fourier space for reconstruction.

The dip in the auto-tightened FSC is from the mask edge. You can read about those here:

Specifically, the “Corrected” mask section will describe what’s happening. A large dip can be indicative of a mask that is too tight. In your case, I wouldn’t worry about it too much for now.

One downside to using a tiny box size is that you’re potentially leaving your high resolution information out of the reconstruction. Especially in the case of small particles that don’t have great contrast . If you collected data at a higher defocus to make them visible, then data actually gets delocalized quite a distance away, as a function of spatial frequency. If you then make the box size too small, that delocalized data will be outside the extracted box and not available for per-particle CTF estimation.

Another problem that can happen with small box sizes is aliasing. My understanding of aliasing isn’t great (would be happy for someone else to chime in) but I believe it occurs when oscillations in the CTF occur at a greater frequency than can be described by the number of pixels in the box. That means some oscillations will be combined into larger oscillations, and the phase flipping that’s applied based on the originally estimated defocus will be incorrect. This happens at higher resolution, I’m not sure if it’ll be a factor at the resolution you’re at, but it’s also dependent on defocus and box size.

There’s a handy calculator here, and you can input your settings and see if there are aberrations in the generated Fourier transform:

Also, it’s always tough to tell from a surface view what the actual resolution of the map is. Have you docked the model in? That really doesn’t look 3.18 Å to me, from the surface view you posted.

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