Request for the option to flip initial volume during non-uniform and homogeneous refinement

Dear all,
do you think that it would be useful to have the option in non-uniform and homogeneous refinement jobs to flip the initial volume, obtained, for example, from ab-initio job. Thank you!


Hey @andro ,

Just to make sure you are aware of the flipping option under “Volume Tools”… so what you are asking would be more some kind of faster way of doing that?

IMO why not, but I kind of like to have in the workflow a box saying that I did something to the volume - so that I know I’ve flipped it. But again, nothing against this feature request.


Hi carlos,
thank you for comment!
I know about the Volume tools but this would be an additional job to manage; then we need to take the corrected volume from Volume tools and particles from ab-initio, kind of annoying, especially if there is a lag during opening jobs to get these input data.
The feature I suggested would save some time, reduce amount of jobs and space on the disk…

I agree with Andro. I would also find it useful to be able to skip running an additional volume tools job to flip the map and instead do it within a NU refine job for ex.