Refused connection when cryosparc is running

Thanks @cornpeasant for posting this information.
You may want to go through the multistep procedure (simple CryoSPARC stop, discovery and confirmed termination of stale processes and then, and only then, deletion of stale socket files, details) of a complete CryoSPARC shutdown.
After the complete CryoSPARC shutdown, please attempt
cryosparcm start.
If you encounter any problems, please post

  1. error messages
  2. outputs of the commands
    ps -weopid,ppid,start,cmd | grep -e cryosparc -e mongo | grep -v grep
    ls -l /tmp/cryosparc*.sock /tmp/mongodb-*.sock
    free -g
  3. details about potential concurrent compute workloads on the server that may cause the system to run out of available RAM.