I don’t know how to report to the build team, but they may be interested in seeing this for possible updates to the build process.
Tried another clean install on ldap 15.1, --standalone installation.
I’d have sworn last attempt installed both client and server, but I had to run ./install.sh in both master and worker directories, not sure what I did differently.
Issue as before was pycuda, though I have I believe, resolved installation issues that I had been previously unaware of.
This is the result of # pip install pycude, an immediately previous uninstall told me pycuda was not installed.
I believe I need pycuda to properly connect the worker code to the GPUs, please let me know if I’m wrong or there is another way.
This was run as the cryosparc user immediately after I found that I wasn’t able to run cryosparc2.
I was in the worker directory at the time of execution.
I am including the complete install log, I apologize for the length.
Nope, deleted all of that, found this very interesting link.
However as with the cuda 10.1 (currently highest cuda installed on system)
we are finding #include crt/host_config.h fails.
Nope, but using cuda 10.1. Failing to include files using CUDA_INC_DIR, performing a copy of .h files to /usr/include as long as they don’t interfere with existing files, one needed a new subdirectory /usr/include/crt
I recognize this work-around as evil, but need to get our Cryosparc users running again.
Got down the the linker, can’t find curand, I assume curand.so, which I can not find for cuda 10.1.