Open linked jobs from another workspace

Hi cryosparc team,

Thank you for the new update! The tree view is faster than ever before. However, I found I can’t directly open the upstream jobs in a new workspace after linking the downstream job to the new workspace.

For example: I link a downstream job to workspace 2. In workspace 2, I can only open that downstream job, while all other upstream jobs are not accessible. I do see I can choose to either link or move upstream jobs to workspace 2, but it seems that I have to do it one by one. In previous versions, the upstream jobs are accessible instantly.

Is there way to make it move like the previous version?

Thank you!

Hi @parrot ,

We decided during the tree view redesign to make jobs that are not in the workspace but are used to lay out the tree largely inoperable. The decision was based on reports that users had cleared or deleted jobs that they did not realize were from another workspace, and had never intended to move into the current workspace, essentially scuttling swaths of downstream processing and losing many hours of work.

In order to simulate the old tree view implementation’s functionality, we recommend opening the “quick actions menu” on the job card you would like to link, and using the “Select Ancestor Jobs” option to select all of the upstream jobs. You can then use the “Link {x} Jobs” action to link all of those jobs to the workspace you would like them to appear in. Although this is of course an extra step, we feel the increased safety of only adding intentionally linked jobs to another workspace is a preferable tradeoff.

- Kelly