The resource parameters baked in to cryoSPARC’s job templates reflect estimates for a typical job. There are several ways of modulating how it then parses onto your scheduler. For instance, your current submission template already applies a global 2x multiplier to that estimate, {{ (ram_gb * 1000 * 2) | int }}
. Another option you can consider is fashioning custom variables for finer control at time of submission.
Example 1: custom memory request with default fallback if unissued.
{%- if custom_mem %}
#SBATCH --mem={{ custom_mem * 1000 }}M
{%- else %}
#SBATCH --mem={{ (ram_gb * 1000 * 2) | int }}M
{%- endif %}
Example 2: custom multiplier with default fallback if unissued.
{%- if ram_multiplier %}
#SBATCH --mem={{ (ram_gb * 1000 * ram_multiplier) | int }}M
{%- else %}
#SBATCH --mem={{ (ram_gb * 1000 * 2) | int }}M
{%- endif %}