On Ubuntu cluster, cryosparc has too little memory allocated by default and is frequently killed by OOM killer


#!/usr/bin/env bash
#### cryoSPARC cluster submission script template for SLURM
## Available variables:
## {{ run_cmd }}            - the complete command string to run the job
## {{ num_cpu }}            - the number of CPUs needed
## {{ num_gpu }}            - the number of GPUs needed.
##                            Note: The code will use this many GPUs starting from dev id 0.
##                                  The cluster scheduler has the responsibility
##                                  of setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES or otherwise enuring that the
##                                  job uses the correct cluster-allocated GPUs.
## {{ ram_gb }}             - the amount of RAM needed in GB
## {{ job_dir_abs }}        - absolute path to the job directory
## {{ project_dir_abs }}    - absolute path to the project dir
## {{ job_log_path_abs }}   - absolute path to the log file for the job
## {{ worker_bin_path }}    - absolute path to the cryosparc worker command
## {{ run_args }}           - arguments to be passed to cryosparcw run
## {{ project_uid }}        - uid of the project
## {{ job_uid }}            - uid of the job
## {{ job_creator }}        - name of the user that created the job (may contain spaces)
## {{ cryosparc_username }} - cryosparc username of the user that created the job (usually an email)
## What follows is a simple SLURM script:

#SBATCH --job-name cryosparc_{{ project_uid }}_{{ job_uid }}
{% set increased_num_cpu = 8 -%}
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task={{ [1, num_cpu, [increased_num_cpu*num_gpu, increased_num_cpu]|min]|max }}
#SBATCH --mem={{ (ram_gb * 1000 * 2) | int }}M
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:{{ num_gpu }}
#SBATCH --partition=gpu40
#SBATCH --output={{ job_dir_abs }}/slurm.out
#SBATCH --error={{ job_dir_abs }}/slurm.err

{{ run_cmd }}

For example, Non-uniform Refinement allocates only 24G memory by default. If it exceeds a certain amount, it will be killed by Ubuntu OOM. How can cryosparc allocate reasonable memory? It actually needs 160 or even more memory.

System: ubuntu22.04
cryosparc version: 4.6.1


The resource parameters baked in to cryoSPARC’s job templates reflect estimates for a typical job. There are several ways of modulating how it then parses onto your scheduler. For instance, your current submission template already applies a global 2x multiplier to that estimate, {{ (ram_gb * 1000 * 2) | int }}. Another option you can consider is fashioning custom variables for finer control at time of submission.


Example 1: custom memory request with default fallback if unissued.

{%- if custom_mem %}
#SBATCH --mem={{ custom_mem * 1000 }}M
{%- else %}
#SBATCH --mem={{ (ram_gb * 1000 * 2) | int }}M
{%- endif %}

Example 2: custom multiplier with default fallback if unissued.

{%- if ram_multiplier %}
#SBATCH --mem={{ (ram_gb * 1000 * ram_multiplier) | int }}M
{%- else %}
#SBATCH --mem={{ (ram_gb * 1000 * 2) | int }}M
{%- endif %}
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