NU-refine CU-MemAlloc error with small number of particles


I am trying to manually generate a ResLog plot (because the current Reslog plot does not incorporate refined CTF params or NU-refine), by selecting ever smaller sets of particles and running NU-refine jobs on each.

NU-refine jobs with larger numbers of particles run fine and complete normally, but jobs with very small numbers of particles (in this case 1750, C3 sym) die with a GPU memory error. This seems like a bug.


Hi @olibclarke, what’s the box size for this dataset?
I see that it has reached 6.3A at the iteration that fails.
For the jobs that succeed, what resolution do they get to?

Hi Ali,

The box size is 320px. The successful runs (with more particles) go to higher resolution - e.g. 3.9 at the same iteration where this one dies.
