Not being able to see the new workspace


I have created a new workspace and is able to run many jobs inside of that workspace. However, I couldn’t see it in the cryosparc interface. I can only find them in the job history and that is the only way that I can enter that workspace. I wonder if there is a way to fix this.


Hi @Chen,

This is very peculiar. Can you provide some more details or some screenshots? Are you able to still view the project that contains the workspace?

Keep in mind that if you’re not an admin user, only projects that have been shared with you can be seen and interacted with.


Hi @Chen,

Actually there could be another reason why this is occurring. At the moment, the job history tab includes deleted jobs, therefore the workspace you speak of may have been deleted.


Hi @sdawood,

Thank you for your reply. I am the owner of the project. I can see the project and the previous workspace that I have created but the new workspace. I didn’t delete this workspace. Otherwise, how can I run jobs inside of it.

So this the workspace that I couldn’t find. P176/W5

However, in the project interface, I counldn’t find W5. I can only see W1, W2, W3 and W4.


Hi @Chen,

Can you still see and interact with the workspace card in the main view?

- Suhail

Hi @sdawood,

I am not sure what the main view is. If it is referred to the second screenshot, then the answer is no. I can only get inside of W5 by finding a job belong to W5 in the job history. Once I am inside of W5, I can submit new jobs without any problem.


Hi @Chen,

In the previous screenshot, there was a card for P121 W1 and all the job it contains. Is there no card for P121 W5 visible further down the page?

No. There is no card for W5.

Hi @Chen,

Can you please paste the output of the following:

  1. First enter the cryoSPARC Mongo CLI (cryosparcm mongo)
  2. Enter the following command:
db.workspaces.findOne({ project_uid: 'P121', uid: 'W5' }, { project_uid: 1, uid: 1, deleted: 1 })

- Suhail

Hi @sdawood,

Here’s the output from that command:
“_id” : ObjectId(“5df2d6ecf60bf37b9e1f20ef”),
“project_uid” : “P121”,
“deleted” : true,
“uid” : “W5”

So it was indeed deleted. Is there a way to get it back?


Hi @Chen,

In the mongo CLI (cryosparcm mongo), you can run:

db.workspaces.update({ project_uid: 'P121', uid: 'W5' }, { $set: { deleted: false } })

And the workspace should be available to interact with in the interface. If the workspace was deleted through the interface (e.g. you saw a confirmation to delete and a popup listing what jobs would be deleted), some of the jobs may also be marked as deleted and not be available in the UI. Please let me know if that is the case.

- Suhail

Hi @sdawood,
We have used the same method to recover our workspace labeled as deleted, and it works well. However, it only remains one job. The job folders are still remain in the project directory. Could we recover other jobs in the database? Thanks!

Hi @sunny1226,

Yes, it’s possible to bring back the cards inside the workspace, but please note that since the jobs were deleted, their results will not be available. You can use a command like this after entering the MongoDB shell via cryosparcm mongo:{ project_uid: 'P1', workspace_uids: 'W1' }, { $set: { deleted: false } }, { multi: true })

Thanks! That’s work well.

Hello @sdawood,

I am encountering the same issue again this time that one of my workspace was labeled deleted and I couldn’t see it in my project. However, this time, I am one hundred percent sure that I didn’t delete it accidentally. The workspace disappeared in my project after I used the Resource Manager and went through the previous jobs and tried to open other people’s jobs that I don’t have access. Then when I go back to my project, my workspace disappeared. I don’t know which step has triggered it but I certainly didn’t click any delete button. It just happened in 2min so I couldn’t be memorizing wrong. I am writing to let you know that I think it is a bug.

Hi @Chen,

Sorry to hear you are still experiencing issues with this. When you run the MongoDB query, is the workspace marked as deleted? Was the project deleted? Are you an admin user?

As far as we know the only way a workspace becomes marked as deleted is if it is deliberately deleted via the UI or command-line.

- Suhail

I am not an admin user. The worksheet only appeared back in my project after our IT manager run the database command to set deleted as false.

Hi @Chen,

Our team can confirm there’s only two ways for a workspace to be marked deleted in the database (and therefore become hidden in the web UI): if a workspace is deleted (via the button or the command-line) or a project is deleted (via the button or the command-line - all workspaces within the project are deleted).

Is it possible that another user (such as an admin) deleted the project or workspace?

The workspace disappeared in my project after I used the Resource Manager and went through the previous jobs and tried to open other people’s jobs that I don’t have access.

This is not possible via the resource manager tab; if you are not an admin you will only see a list of jobs that you have access to view: image