Non-Uniform Refinement terminated abnormally on V4.4.1

I am trying to run a Non-Uniform refinement Job on cryosparc 4.4.1. The Job ran fine in previous versions. I have a box size of 324. I also tried to run it on low-memory mode but still gives same error:

There seems to be very little RAM available. Please can you check:

  1. the job log (under Metadata|Log) for additional error information
  2. whether the system log indicates process termination due to insufficient RAM
    sudo dmesg | grep -i oom
  3. How much RAM does the CryoSPARC worker computer have
    free -g?
  4. Where other memory-demanding processes running simultaneously to the non-uniform refinement job?

I have the same problem right now. I am also using the newest version of cryosparc and it gives me the same error message. I checked the job log for additional information but could not find anything. I also have enough RAM and no other job is running in parallel. I also tried to re-run a previous NU refinement job which worked before I switched to V4.4. Any idea what the problem is and how I can fix it?

Are the outputs of the pre-v4.4 job still available, or were they overwritten by the re-run?
Please can you post the outputs of these commands on the CryoSPARC master host

cyosparcm cli "get_job('$cspid', '$csjid', 'job_type', 'version', 'params_spec', 'instance_information', 'input_slot_groups', 'status')" 
cryosparcm eventlog "$cspid" "$csjid" | tail -n 40
cryosparcm joblog "$cspid" "$csjid" | tail -n 40

where you replace P99 and J199 with the failed job’s project and job IDs, respectively.

where can I find the master host? Or what do you mean with that?

I referred to the computer where the CryoSPARC master processes run. The person who installed CryoSPARC at your lab or institute may be able to run these commands for you.