Non interactive command for pulling job details

cryosparcm icli

[(j['project_uid'], j['uid'], j['status'], j['job_type']) for j in cli.get_jobs_by_status({ '$in': ['queued', 'launched', 'started', 'waiting', 'running']})]

@wtempel could you please help me to get a non interactive version of the above command?

@wtempel any clue on this…

With help from our team…
In CryoSPARC before version 4, you might write a script like

#! /usr/bin/env python

import os
from pymongo import MongoClient

db = MongoClient(f"mongodb://{os.getenv('CRYOSPARC_MASTER_HOSTNAME')}:{os.getenv('CRYOSPARC_MONGO_PORT')}")['meteor']

result = [(j['project_uid'], j['uid'], j['status'], j['job_type']) for j in
           { "status": { '$in': ['queued', 'launched', 'started', 'waiting', 'running']}})]

In CryoSPARC version 4, you might write a script like

#! /usr/bin/env python

from cryosparc_compute import database_management

db = database_management.get_pymongo_client('meteor')['meteor']

result = [(j['project_uid'], j['uid'], j['status'], j['job_type']) for j in
           { "status": { '$in': ['queued', 'launched', 'started', 'waiting', 'running']}})]

The script can be saved to a file like, the file made executable and invoked with
cryosparcm call /full/path/to/

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Thanks, it worked. @wtempel