Hi guys,
I need to combine relion and cryosparc for one dataset. we first want to do 3D in relion and then transfer to cryosparc. I downloaded MotionCorrection2, unziped in usr/local folder and then cp MotionCor2_1.4.2_Cuda100-02-15-2020 to usr/local/bin folder. however, when i run relion, it does not work for MotionCorrection. I am so confused. Do I have incorrect installation or do I need to configure the executable file like run command ./configure, or like make install ? I got stuck here long time.
Use Scipion3, as this will make your life easier working with both Cryosparc and Relion. Additionally you’d be able to test other particle pickers like cryolo etc.
What is the error you get from motioncor2 ?You need to see that you are using a older version with cuda 10 and this should be also be compatible with your current setup. Maybe a logfile will be helpful for troubleshooting.