I just have a problem while importing movies. Every time I import the movie and the reference file, it will show memory error. If I only import movies but no reference file, it works smoothly. Besides, if we only import one movie and reference, it works. Once we import more than one movies and a reference, it fails. That means, only the first movie is successful, it fails from the second one. But, we have to import gain reference file and many movies to perform a good reconstruction. Here’s the error information.
[CPU: 6.34 GB] Traceback (most recent call last):
File "cryosparc2_master/cryosparc2_compute/run.py", line 82, in cryosparc2_compute.run.main
File "cryosparc2_compute/jobs/imports/run.py", line 649, in run_import_movies_or_micrographs
imgdata = mrc.read_mrc(abs_path)[1].sum(axis=0) * gainref
File "/home/pangguot/cryosparc/cryosparc2_master/deps/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/_methods.py", line 32, in _sum
return umr_sum(a, axis, dtype, out, keepdims)
I want to know if there is any way to modify the memory in this importing step?
Can you tell us how much CPU RAM the machine this job is running on has (this is most likely the master node)?
If you have a dedicated compute node with more memory, you can specify the flag CRYOSPARC_DISABLE_IMPORT_ON_MASTER which will allow you to run the Import Movies job on this node. More details on how to implement this flag are in this post:
Please also see cryoSPARC’s hardware requirements here:
Thank you so much! The problem is solved if I queue the job on an allocated node but not master. I think it’s probably that the master node doesn’t have too much memory since it is also login node of the cluster, actually. Although I see that the login node have 125G memory (shared with a lot of other users), but we can’t use this node to run large memory jobs.