I am having an issue where my worker node cannot create files in a project folder, but it can read and write to files. Here’s my setup:
I have a master and a worker node. Both have a local cryosparc user with the same uid/gid.
I created a folder owned by the cryosparc user on a ceph mount point. Both users can create/read/write to files in the folder. …/cryosparc
When I run a job I see an error like this after the ssh passwordless login completes bash: …/cryosparc/CS-test2/J1/job.log: Permission denied
Cryosparc does something to the permissions and the worker cannot create files in the CS-test2 folder or any folders in it. The worker can still write to files and read files. Permissions w/ ls -latr look like this: drwxrwsrwx. 7 cryosparc cryosparc 10 Jul 26 13:22 CS-test2
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been working on this for too long.