KeyError: ‘nonuniform_refine_new’ (v3.0.0)

Hi All,

It seems I am having some issues with the new features after upgrading to 3.0. In general the program is functioning and refinements, 2D averaging, etc seem to be working. When I try to use the new NU-refinement New or Reconstruct Only options I keep getting errors, see below:

[CPU: 90.3 MB] Traceback (most recent call last):
File “cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/”, line 72, in
File “cryosparc2_compute/jobs/”, line 333, in get_run_function
modname = job_types_modules[str(job_type)][‘run_module’]
KeyError: ‘homo_reconstruct’

CPU: 90.5 MB] Traceback (most recent call last):
File “cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/”, line 72, in
File “cryosparc2_compute/jobs/”, line 333, in get_run_function
modname = job_types_modules[str(job_type)][‘run_module’]
KeyError: ‘nonuniform_refine_new’

If anyone has some insight into what might have gone wrong in my update, that would be greatly appreciated (and sorry if someone has already asked this - there is a lot of chatter on here about 3.0 so far and I might have missed something).


Hi @NathanaelCaveney

Is it possible if you can run the following commands, then try again?
cryosparcm restart
cryosparcm cli "refresh_job_types()"

@stephan thanks for the speedy reply. I tried those commands with no effect - seemed like the jobs type list was updated to include these new jobs but still no go on getting them to run.

Hey @NathanaelCaveney,

No problem! In that case, can you do the following:

  1. Navigate to cryosparc2_worker
  2. Run the command: bash ./bin/cryosparcw update

Hi @stephan,

When I ran the command it couldn’t find the .tar.gz file. I copied it from one directory up (where it was from install) and then re-ran the command and it spat out the following:

Updating… checking versions
Current version v3.0.0 - New version v3.0.0
Already up to date

Still no luck with the new features. I also restarted cryosparc again and the issue still persists post restart as well.

Hi @NathanaelCaveney,

Oops, can you actually add the --override flag to the update command? That should skip the version check:
e.g. Run the command: bash ./bin/cryosparcw update --override

@stephan that worked, thanks!! The new jobs are running. Thanks for the top notch support.