Hi, I encountered issues with importing K3 tiff movies collected by EPU. Images aligned by Relion cannot be imported either. I used cryoSPARC v3.
May I have some help?
Thank you very much!
[CPU: 209.3 MB] Traceback (most recent call last):
File “cryosparc_master/cryosparc_compute/run.py”, line 84, in cryosparc_compute.run.main
File “/home/cryosparc/software/cryosparc_master/cryosparc_compute/jobs/imports/run.py”, line 707, in run_import_movies_or_micrographs
assert extn in [‘mrc’, ‘mrcs’, ‘stk’, ‘tiff’, ‘tif’, ‘cmrcbz2’, ‘bz2’, ‘eer’, ‘ecc’], “Cannot import file of type %s (%s)” % (extn, abs_path)
AssertionError: Cannot import file of type /cryoem/data/cyfu/fuchiyu/20210505_epexfab/micrographs (/cryoEM/data/cyfu/fuchiyu/20210505_EpexFab/Micrographs)
[CPU: 209.7 MB] Traceback (most recent call last):
File “cryosparc_master/cryosparc_compute/run.py”, line 84, in cryosparc_compute.run.main
File “/home/cryosparc/software/cryosparc_master/cryosparc_compute/jobs/imports/run.py”, line 707, in run_import_movies_or_micrographs
assert extn in [‘mrc’, ‘mrcs’, ‘stk’, ‘tiff’, ‘tif’, ‘cmrcbz2’, ‘bz2’, ‘eer’, ‘ecc’], “Cannot import file of type %s (%s)” % (extn, abs_path)
AssertionError: Cannot import file of type /cryoem/data/cyfu/fuchiyu/20210505_epexfab/motioncorr/job012/aligned (/cryoEM/data/cyfu/fuchiyu/20210505_EpexFab/MotionCorr/job012/aligned)