Invalid license error on stand alone master

Dear all,

I have installed cryosparc V2 on our workstation with standalone option, assuming it will work both master and worker, but when I try to run the test job its giving me an error invalid license.

OS: Opensuse and with CUDA 10.0.

Any suggestions are welcome,

Thanks for your reply,
I got response success true when I typed given link, but unfortunately i got the same error. I was wondering does computer need a static public Ip addresses for accessing the cryosparc servers. currently our computer has configured only with private ip adds that can be accessible with in the University and not from outside world.

Hi @eswar909, you don’t need a static public IP but you do need to be able to access the internet.

Can you please send me the output of

‘cryosparcm status’

Hi @spunjani
I can access the internet

Have a look in to the screenshot

[removed for user privacy]

Many thanks for your help

Hi, I have the same problem. License is invalid.
I also gets success and true when I run:

Do you know how to solve it?

Hi, I install with same CUDA 10.0 and get the same problem.
Do you figure out how to solve it?

Hi @xpb20081, can you please confirm you replaced the previous license ID with your current license ID?