Install freezing

hi all,

Our IT department is attempting to reinstall CS ver 4.2.1 as usual but the install download keeps freezing. This is a new problem, but is now persisting for almost two weeks. As a result, we cannot install CS. Is there an issue with cryoSPARC servers that I am unaware of?

As a side note, we are having ongoing issues with 4.4 which we have not yet resolved so in the meantime are using 4.2.1.

thanks in advance!


Hi Jesse,

Unfortunately not a resolution to the stalling you observe, but a datapoint:
I just completed downloads of the v4.2.1 master and worker packages with 15 and 24 MB/s speeds, respectively.
In your case, do the downloads even begin at reasonable speeds? Do they slow down gradually or abruptly? After which percentage of download completion?

Please can you link the relevant forum topic.