Importing movies shot on asymmetric detector

Having issues importing movies. The detector is 514x1030 which I suspect is leading to the error. Is there a way around this?

Hi @swebster23, I’m looking into this, it could be a bug in cryoSPARC. Could you tell me: Is this a 100KeV dataset from EMPIAR or some other dataset you’ve collected?

Hi @nfrasser, this is a 100KeV dataset from EMPIAR. Thanks for looking into it!

Hi @swebster23, it was indeed a bug in cryoSPARC which we’ll fix in the next minor release (coming within a few days).

We have seen other issues with these 100KeV datasets further down the processing pipeline, such as with Patch CTF. Let me know if you run into trouble there once the next release comes out.

@swebster23 cryoSPARC v2.15 is out now with the fix, please update and let me know if you run into any further issues!