Short script using cryosparc-tools to import ImageShifts from micrograph-associated .mdoc files. To use, fill out the variables at the top, and run this in the directory with the .mdoc files. It should make a new job in the specified workspace with an exposure output that you can then put into the Exposure Group Utilities job, and use to cluster via image shift.
(hopefully your shift groups look better - we were having hole centering issues on this dataset)
from pathlib import Path
import re
from import CryoSPARC
from getpass import getpass
##### Instructions #####
# Place a copy of this file in each directory you have .mdoc
# files in, load the cryosparc-tools conda environment (if using)
# and run this script: python3
##### Variables #####
expected_groups = 25
cs_license = 'asdf1348-replace-me-123lkj12'
cs_hostname = ''
cs_port = 39000
cs_email = ''
cs_project = 'P83'
cs_workspace = 'W1'
cs_job = 'J56'
cs_job_output = 'exposure'
##### (il)Logic #####
#Set directory and get list of mdocs
mdoc_directory = Path(".")
mdoc_list = list(mdoc_directory.glob('**/*.mdoc'))
#Initialize list that will hold dictionary with exposure information
exposures = []
#Iterate through list of mdoc files
for i in range(len(mdoc_list)):
#Open individual mdoc file
with open(mdoc_list[i]) as mdoc:
#Read each line in mdoc file
for line in mdoc:
#if the line matches, store the name of the file and also the image shift values into a list
shift_data = {
"exposure": str(mdoc_list[i]).rsplit(sep='.',maxsplit = 1)[0],
"x_shift": line.rsplit()[2],
"y_shift": line.rsplit()[3],
#Get CS password
print("Please enter CryoSPARC password: ")
cs_password = getpass()
#Connect to CS
cs = CryoSPARC(license=cs_license, email=cs_email, password=cs_password, host=cs_hostname, base_port=cs_port)
assert cs.test_connection()
#Find dataset and copy it to a new dataset
project = cs.find_project(cs_project)
job = cs.find_job(cs_project, cs_job)
cs_exposures = job.load_output(cs_job_output)
grouped_exposures = cs_exposures.copy()
#For every row in the dataset, search entire mdoc data and see if it fits a known movie and image shift. There's probably a much faster way to do this.
for row in grouped_exposures.rows():
for i in range(len(exposures)):
if exposures[i]['exposure'] == row['movie_blob/path'].rsplit(sep='/')[-1]:
row['mscope_params/beam_shift'][0] = exposures[i]['x_shift']
row['mscope_params/beam_shift'][1] = exposures[i]['y_shift']
row['mscope_params/beam_shift_known'] = 1
#Make a new external job with the updated values, and passthrough the remaining, non-updated values
title="ImageShift Updated Exposures"
Could you please clarify what “J” job has to be specified?
I tried the Import micrographs J job // Patch CTF J job but I am always having the following error -
File “/home/cryosparc_user/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cryosparc/job.p y”, line 444, in load_output
raise TypeError(f"Job {self.project_uid}-{self.uid} does not have any result s for output {name}") TypeError: Job P15-J28 does not have any results for output all_exposures
@ccgauvin94 have you been able to test if the CTF refinement is better using clustered shifts vs. shift pattern indices? Do the nominal shift groups differ from the index based groups at all?
I don’t normally save MDOC files per movie because it slows down data collection but interested to know!
One script clusters locally, the other uses clustering in CryoSPARC. I prefer the latter.
print(f"Available output types for job {project}-{job}: {cs_job.output_types}")
AttributeError: ‘Job’ object has no attribute ‘output_types’
It looks like the job you selected has no outputs. Can you verify the job number has exposure outputs?
(cryosparc-tools-env) cryosparc_user@cryoem1:/data/dmitry/XXXXX/XXXX/set1_160424/240413_XXXX/Movies$ python -e dmitry.XXXXX@XXX.XXX.XX -p P15 -w W1 -j J311 -d .
Please enter CryoSPARC password:
Connection succeeded to CryoSPARC command_core at http://cryoem1.XXX.XXX.XXX:39002
Connection succeeded to CryoSPARC command_vis at http://cryoem1.XXX.XXX.XX:39003
Connection succeeded to CryoSPARC command_rtp at http://cryoem1.XXX.XXX.XX:39005
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 79, in
cs_project, cs_job, grouped_exposures = get_exposures_from_job(args.project,args.job)
File “”, line 61, in get_exposures_from_job
cs_exposures = cs_job.load_output(CS_JOB_OUTPUT_TYPE)
File “/home/cryosparc_user/.conda/envs/cryosparc-tools-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cryosparc/”, line 444, in load_output
raise TypeError(f"Job {self.project_uid}-{self.uid} does not have any results for output {name}")
TypeError: Job P15-J311 does not have any results for output all_exposures