Heterogeneous reconstruction- Slots are not connected error


I am trying to run a heterogeneous reconstruction with at least one particle set as input (as required, image attached). My inputs come from a local refinement job, and all other parameters are set to default. However, I am encountering an error stating that “slots are not connected” and to “connect all required inputs” (image attached).

I have attached the input parameters and error message for reference. Am I missing something or doing something wrong?

Thank you

@abhipsa Is the parent job J122 of either the 3D Classification or Heterogeneous Refinement type (guide)?
Gentle reminder: Please post error messages as text instead of a screenshot so that an interested future forum user may find this topic with a text search.

No, sorry, the parent job J122 is from a local refinement.

Thank you for the guide link. (I see the problem)

However, based on its instructions, I attempted the heterogeneous reconstruction again using the output from the 3D classification job—specifically, particles_class_3 and particles_class_4—as input. However, the job failed with the same error message.

Interestingly, when I used particles_all_classes from the 3D classification output as input, the heterogeneous reconstruction worked.

My question is: If I have to use particles_all_classes as input for heterogeneous reconstruction, it will generate multiple volumes. Wouldn’t this be similar to what 3D classification already did for me?

What I want to do is assess further heterogeneity specifically within the regrouped particles from particles_class_3 and particles_class_4 after the 3D classification step. I think heterogeneous reconstruction is not able to do this at the moment. :thinking:

PS:Thank you for the reminder!