Hardware is not registered

I installed cryosparc now on my laptop and everything went fine. However, when trying to run it I get:
‘Hardware is not registered’
how can I register the hardware?
Thanks, Dieter

Hi Dieter,

Our academic licenses allow you to have cryoSPARC running on a single machine at a time. If you’d like to run experiments on another machine, you will need to deactivate the existing machine and then run a job on the new one. You can switch between multiple machines at any time, but please keep in mind you can only run jobs on a single machine at a time.

For more information, check out this post: Floating a license

I follow this link Deactivate Hardware, and lanuch the dataset again.
The error is response again: “Hardware is not registered”

Solved, I use httpie send a get to server. like this:
httpie https://activate.cryosparc.com/deactivate cryoSPARC-License:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 0

My cryoSPARC version is:Version 0.4.1