Since updating to the latest version everything is running smoothly, except gctf does not work anymore… I get a green light after about 30 seconds as if it ran normally but there is no output. I get this error message:
Using files in wildcard path /media/ben/ben003/CryoSparcV2_output/P6/J79/motioncorrected/FoilHole_134*.mrc
Writing /media/ben/ben003/CryoSparcV2_output/P6/J79/input_ctfstar.star
Gctf command: /media/ben/cryoem1/CryoSparc_v2/cryosparc2_worker/deps/external/gctf-1.06/bin/Gctf-v1.06_sm_30_cu8.0_x86_64 --apix 1.06 --kV 300.0 --Cs 2.7 --ac 0.1 --ctfstar /media/ben/ben003/CryoSparcV2_output/P6/J79/micrographs_all_gctf.star --input_ctfstar /media/ben/ben003/CryoSparcV2_output/P6/J79/input_ctfstar.star --gid 1 --boxsize 1024 --boxsuffix _automatch.star --logsuffix _gctf.log
Running process 3695
ERROR Gctf failed to produce output file /media/ben/ben003/CryoSparcV2_output/P6/J79/micrographs_all_gctf.star
any help would be greatly appreciated