Force hard classification at last iteration in 3D classification and Heterogeneous refinement

Why there is no option in 3D classification and Heterogeneous refinement to force hard classification only at the last iteration as it is employed in 2D classification? I guess that it might work better than doing hard classification at every iteration.
Is it possible to add this option?
Thank you!

Hi @andro!

Right now, regardless of the Force Hard Classification setting, the output particles are fully assigned to their most likely class. So if you want to see final maps with hard classification after a job with hard classification off, you can simply run a Heterogeneous Reconstruction Only job with all particles and all volumes.


What might (?) be useful is to have an option for switching on force hard classification in the initial O-EM iterations, but off in the full iterations.

This would allow for breaking the identical class/high ESS trap one can sometimes fall into for certain datasets, but then take advantage of the weighted particle assignments in the full iterations?