Exposure Group Utilities fail Particles/Exposures input

In exposure group utilities, (in v4.6.0), when I provide particles to cluster&split, the job automatically switches immediately to “input selection” being Exposures (not particles which I selected) and fails for that reason. Is this a glitch, am I the only one affected? I can’t get it to work, but I also rarely use this tool so may be using incorrectly.

Hi @CryoEM2,

To use the clustering functionality, you will need to provide exposures as they are clustered based on beam shift information in their associated .xml files. You can then turn on the “Correspond particles to exposures…” and this will ensure that the exposures groups are matched between the mics and the particles. There is a more lengthy discussion of this in the relevant guide page.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


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