Error patch motion correction

Hello there,

I am getting an error while running patch motion correction (multi) job. Could you please help me in trouble shooting this issue. I attached the screenshot for your reference.

Many thanks your kind help.

Thanks and regards,

Hi Krishna,

I can see the cuda-related error near the top, and a permission-related error near the bottom of the error box, but do not know (yet) how they are related.
Please can you post the output of these shell commands:

  1. cd /data/kshivaku/working/M1M16/cryospracdata/P2/J8
    pwd -P
  2. ls -ld /afs/
  3. ps -ef | grep supervisord

Some adjustments to these commands may be needed due to potential errors in transcribing the paths from the screenshots. (Pasting of error message text is preferred on this forum.)
