Error in Topaz 2D classification


I am currently trying to do a 2D classification after doing particle extraction using a Topaz trained model. When I run the “2D classification” job, I get the following error:

[CPU: 90.5 MB] Traceback (most recent call last):
** File “cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/”, line 52, in**
** File “cryosparc2_compute/jobs/”, line 823, in check_default_inputs**
** assert False, 'Non-optional inputs from the following input groups and their slots are not connected: ’ + missing_inputs + ‘. Please connect all required inputs.’**
AssertionError: Non-optional inputs from the following input groups and their slots are not connected: particles.ctf. Please connect all required inputs.

This is a dataset that I just imported from another workstation. Please let me know if additional info is required.

Hi chari1,

You probably are missing one step: ‘Extract from Micrographs’.

I recommend the following order of jobs: Topaz Extract >> Inspect particle picks (use the ‘Power threshold’ to define a good cutoff) >> Extract from Micrographs.


Hi Alex,

I did run the “Extract from micrographs” and it was successful.

Hi chari1,

Oh I think I see: Your micrographs need to have CTF estimation before doing classification and alignment. Before Topaz Extract, do this: Import Micrographs >> Patch CTF >> Topaz Extract using Patch CTF micrographs.


Hi Alex,

I did run the Topaz extract on Patch CTF corrected micrographs.

Hi chari1,

Can you double-check that the micrographs used in both the ‘Topaz Extract’ and ‘Extract from micrographs’ jobs both came from the micrographs in the Patch CTF job? The error you are getting ’ particles.ctf. Please connect all required inputs’ is complaining that there is no CTF information with the particles/micrographs you used.


Hi Alex,

So this has been my workflow. After patch CTF, I connected the output (exposures) > input to" template based particle picker". Followed this with a “inspect particle picks” job. I then connected the output micrographs of “Inspect particle picks” to topaz train job. I used the same micrographs along with the trained topaz model to do a “topaz extract”. I then connected the outputs of topaz extract as inputs to “Extract from micrographs” and finally connected the output to “2d class”.

Hi chari1,

That workflow looks fine. It’s pretty much what I do, except instead of template picking I do Topaz Extract pre-trained model. Maybe the Cryosparc team can help you get to the bottom of this.


Thank you Alex :smile:

Hi @chari1,

Can you take a few screenshots: The “Outputs” tab for each job in your workflow. We have a hunch that it’s possible the CTF result of the micrograph wasn’t passed to the Extract From Micrographs job, causing the particles to not also have the CTF result fields.