I am using the cryosparc for last couple of months and it working very well. Yesterday, I restarted my desktop and when I restarted the cryosparc, got following error during starting of it . It cannot recognize the login information anymore.
When I copy and paste the weblink, it ask me to create a account. What might be the issue?
[cryosparc_user@c108935]$ cryosparcm start
Starting cryoSPARC System master process…
CryoSPARC is not already running.
database: ERROR (spawn error)
command_core: ERROR (spawn error)
cryosparc command core startup complete.
command_vis: started
command_proxy: ERROR (spawn error)
webapp: ERROR (spawn error)
CryoSPARC master started.
From this machine, access cryoSPARC at
From other machines on the network, access cryoSPARC at
Thank you