Error in database reading

I am using the cryosparc for last couple of months and it working very well. Yesterday, I restarted my desktop and when I restarted the cryosparc, got following error during starting of it . It cannot recognize the login information anymore.
When I copy and paste the weblink, it ask me to create a account. What might be the issue?

[cryosparc_user@c108935]$ cryosparcm start
Starting cryoSPARC System master process…
CryoSPARC is not already running.
database: ERROR (spawn error)
command_core: ERROR (spawn error)
cryosparc command core startup complete.
command_vis: started
command_proxy: ERROR (spawn error)
webapp: ERROR (spawn error)

CryoSPARC master started.
From this machine, access cryoSPARC at

From other machines on the network, access cryoSPARC at

Thank you



You can’t log in because the database is showing an error.

I’m afraid it’s damaged. There are several posts about this issue (Database: ERROR (spawn error) but not a quick solution.

If you rebooted recently, check the status of your database service. It may be it’s not running. Then try cryosparcm stop; cryosparcm start to stop the instance properly and start everything again.

Good luck with this…

I have not rebooted the system, but I tried to stop and start the cryosparcm, did not solve the problem.