I found many lines of “exception in cufft.Plan.del:” in a log file of a running 3DVA job. It also has one line of “exception in force_free_cufft_plan: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘handle’”. I’d like to know what kind of problem is going on here.
No other warning or error like line in the log file (I don’t attach it here because it has 87890 lines now. Most of the lines(83339 lines) are “exception in cufft.Plan.del:”.).
I can’t check the progress of the job because I’m facing another problem that the webapp stopped updating (refreshing). The job seems to keep running because it using cpu and gpu resources.
Here is the cryosparcm status output
CryoSPARC System master node installed at
Current cryoSPARC version: v3.2.0+211012
CryoSPARC process status:
app RUNNING pid 24563, uptime 18:02:46
app_dev STOPPED Not started
command_core RUNNING pid 24447, uptime 18:02:55
command_rtp RUNNING pid 24507, uptime 18:02:51
command_vis RUNNING pid 24477, uptime 18:02:52
database RUNNING pid 24329, uptime 18:02:57
liveapp RUNNING pid 24585, uptime 18:02:45
liveapp_dev STOPPED Not started
webapp RUNNING pid 24546, uptime 18:02:47
webapp_dev STOPPED Not started