CryoSPARC tools save_external_result error

I am trying to use CryoSPARC tools to update parameter fields for particles/exposures but am running into an error that is difficult to debug. Following the examples, I can find the job, load the relevant data, manipulate it, but get an error when saving the results. For debugging purposes, I can replicate the error by just loading the particles/exposures, then saving the exact same dataset.

from import CryoSPARC

cs = CryoSPARC(**kwargs)
project30 = cs.find_project("P30")
job15 = project30.find_job("J15")
particles = job15.load_output('particles')

    workspace_uid='W2', dataset=particles, type='particle', name='particles',
    slots=['alignments2D', 'alignments3D', 'blob', 'ctf', 'location', 'pick_stats'])

which outputs the following error:

> File ~/.conda/envs/mizimmer/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cryosparc/, in Project.save_external_result(self, workspace_uid, dataset, type, name, slots, passthrough, title, desc)                            
>     196 def save_external_result(                     
>     197     self,                                     
>     198     workspace_uid: Optional[str],             
>    (...)                                              
>     205     desc: Optional[str] = None,               
>     206 ) -> str:                                     
>     207     """                                       
>     208     Save the given result dataset to the project. Specify at least the                              
>     209     dataset to save and the type of data.     
>    (...)                                              
>     276         str: UID of created job where this output was saved                                         
>     277     """                                       
> --> 278     return self.cs.save_external_result(      
>     279         self.uid,                             
>     280         workspace_uid,                        
>     281         dataset=dataset,                      
>     282         type=type,                            
>     283         name=name,                            
>     284         slots=slots,                          
>     285         passthrough=passthrough,              
>     286         title=title,                          
>     287         desc=desc,                            
>     288     )                                         
> File ~/.conda/envs/mizimmer/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cryosparc/, in CryoSPARC.save_external_result(self, project_uid, workspace_uid, dataset, type, name, slots, passthrough, title, desc)               
>     499 job = self.find_external_job(project_uid, job_uid)                                                  
>     500 with                               
> --> 501     job.save_output(output, dataset)          
>     503 return job.uid                                
> File ~/.conda/envs/mizimmer/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cryosparc/, in ExternalJob.save_output(self, name, dataset, refresh)                                                                                 
>    1302 """                                           
>    1303 Save output dataset to external job.          
>    1304                                               
>    (...)                                              
>    1320                                               
>    1321 """                                           
>    1322 url = f"/external/projects/{self.project_uid}/jobs/{self.uid}/outputs/{name}/dataset"               
> -> 1323 with make_request(self.cs.vis, url=url, as res:                              
>    1324     result =              
>    1325     assert res.status >= 200 and res.status < 400, f"Save output failed with message: {result}"     
> File ~/.conda/envs/mizimmer/lib/python3.11/, in _GeneratorContextManager.__enter__(self)   
>     135 del self.args, self.kwds, self.func           
>     136 try:                                          
> --> 137     return next(self.gen)                     
>     138 except StopIteration:                         
>     139     raise RuntimeError("generator didn't yield") from None                                          
> File ~/.conda/envs/mizimmer/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cryosparc/, in make_request(client, method, url, query, data, headers)                                                                            
>     189         print(f"*** {type(client).__name__}: ({url}) {error_reason}")                               
>     190         break                                 
> --> 192 raise CommandClient.Error(client, error_reason, url=url)                                            
> Error: *** CommandClient: (http://localhost:39003/external/projects/P30/jobs/J36/outputs/particles/dataset) HTTP Error 422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY; please check cryosparcm log command_vis for additional information.     
> Response from server: b'Invalid dataset stream'

additionally, for movie exposures, I do:

from import CryoSPARC

cs = CryoSPARC(**kwargs)
project1 = cs.find_project("P30")
job1 = project.find_job("J1")
movies = job1.load_output('imported_movies')

new_job = project1.create_external_job("W2", title="import updated movies")

new_job.save_output("imported_movies", movies)

for which I get the following error:

*** CommandClient: (http://localhost:39003/external/projects/P30/jobs/J29/outputs/imported_movies/dataset) URL Error [Errno 32] Broken pipe
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ""
    new_job.save_output("imported_movies", movies)
  File "/usr/local/ubuntu/.conda/envs/mizimmer/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cryosparc/", line 1323, in save_output
    with make_request(self.cs.vis, url=url, as res:
  File "/usr/local/ubuntu/.conda/envs/mizimmer/lib/python3.11/", line 137, in __enter__
    return next(self.gen)
  File "/usr/local/ubuntu/.conda/envs/mizimmer/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cryosparc/", line 192, in make_request
    raise CommandClient.Error(client, error_reason, url=url)
cryosparc.command.CommandClient.Error: *** CommandClient: (http://localhost:39003/external/projects/P30/jobs/J29/outputs/imported_movies/dataset) URL Error [Errno 32] Broken pipe

In this example, a new job is made in the GUI, but there is no log or additional error.

I am unsure if this is an issue with my networking, or if there is a problem with install/cryosparc save. Thanks in advance for any guidance!

Python-3.11 is not currently supported by cryosparc-tools.
Please can you try this code in a Python-3.10 environment and post any errors from the command_vis log that you may encounter:
cryosparcm log command_vis.