CryoSPARC server

Every so often, our server gets to a point where certain viewing functionalities no longer work, namely, viewing volumes and particle picking images in CS live. A server reset fixes the issue, but I would like to know what’s causing it. Has anyone else experienced this?

Just get this error after some time when trying to view a volume from a refinement job.


@jstagno What version of CryoSPARC do you use? If you use v4.5.3, you may want to apply patch 240807. If your CryoSPARC version is below 4.5.3, you may want to upgrade CryoSPARC to the latest version. If you experience this issue on either v4.5.3 (with patch 240807 applied) or v4.6.0, you may try restarting the command_vis server:

cryosparcm restart command_vis

The command worked. This is great, as this issue occurs frequently. Now, we don’t have to kill any jobs to fix it. Thanks!

Do you know what is the cause of this issue?

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Which version of CryoSPARC do you use?

The version is v4.6.0