Configure to prevent access from outside of localhost?

Is it possible to configure CryoSPARC so that all of its ports cannot be accessed from outside of localhost? We have a reverse proxy configured which enables secure access, but also need to have ports 39000-39009 secured from access (besides localhost).

I have noticed that the supervisord.conf file has configurations for several ports that use gunicorn to bind to - we should be able to change those to However, all of the other ports do not have configuration to prevent such access.


Jun Aishima

@jaishima Some of the ports in the 39000-39009 would need to be accessed by CryoSPARC worker computers, in case the CryoSPARC instance has any. Is you CryoSPARC instance of the Single Workstation type (master/worker combined on same host, no additional workers)?

Yes, we will be using CryoSPARC in that Single Workstation for now, so do not expect to have any of the ports visible to the outside world.

For security-related port restrictions, you may want to configure the firewall on your OS.