Currently in Class3D, volumes are only written out during the full iterations near the end of the run.
This is presumably (and very reasonably!) for speed, as reconstructing & writing many vols would be slow (correct me if I am wrong as to the motivation here).
However, when dealing with very intensive classification jobs - millions of particles, high resolution, many classes - it can sometimes take multiple days (in some case over a week) to reach the full iterations, during which time the only data available are the volume and diffmap slices in the log, which are informative but can be inconclusive in some cases.
Would it be possible to add an optional (off by default) feature to write out intermediate volumes periodically during the O-EM iterations? Say every 10% of the iterations or so?
This would be very helpful when optimizing classification parameters in difficult cases, and to judge whether or not to kill a long running classification job to free resources for other priorities when the plots are ambiguous.