I commented out the hostname and force hostname commands from the cryosparc_master’s config.sh file but there was no obvious change in behaivor.
cryosparc_user@tulasi:~/cryosparc_master$ vi config.sh
cryosparc_user@tulasi:~/cryosparc_master$ bin/cryosparcm stop
CryoSPARC is running.
Stopping cryoSPARC
command_core: stopped
database: stopped
Shut down
cryosparc_user@tulasi:~/cryosparc_master$ bin/cryosparcm start
Starting CryoSPARC System master process…
CryoSPARC is not already running.
configuring database…
configuration complete
database: started
database OK
command_core: started
command_core connection succeeded
command_core startup successful
command_vis: ERROR (spawn error)