Can't login after cluster installation

I have a Slurm cluster without GPUs. I’ve installed both master and worker on my headnode, as it is equal to my compute nodes. Now I’m trying to log into host:39000, and I’m only able to see a progress bar very briefly, then I’m presented with a light blue page, with nothing more. Wasn’t it supposed to be a login page?
By inspecting cryosparcm log command_core, I see this message being flooded every 5 seconds:

[JSONRPC ERROR  2020-04-29 08:38:32.638243  at  get_config_var ]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "cryosparc2_command/command_core/", line 114, in wrapper
    res = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "cryosparc2_command/command_core/", line 438, in get_config_var
    assert res is not None, "Variable not found."
AssertionError: Variable not found.
[JSONRPC ERROR  2020-04-29 08:38:32.638319  at  get_running_version ]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "cryosparc2_command/command_core/", line 114, in wrapper
    res = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "cryosparc2_command/command_core/", line 397, in get_running_version
    return get_config_var('running_version')
  File "cryosparc2_command/command_core/", line 123, in wrapper
    raise e
AssertionError: Variable not found.
[JSONRPC ERROR  2020-04-29 08:38:32.638357  at  get_system_info ]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "cryosparc2_command/command_core/", line 114, in wrapper
    res = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "cryosparc2_command/command_core/", line 417, in get_system_info
    'version' : get_running_version(),
  File "cryosparc2_command/command_core/", line 123, in wrapper
    raise e
AssertionError: Variable not found.

To install the master, I’ve followed this instructions:
And to install the worker, I’ve followed this:, but changed the --cudapath <cuda_path> to --nogpu. At first, the worker installation gave me an error when compiling some package that was including cuda.h. A second try returned with success, don’t know why.

Kind regards,

Hi @ianliu,

Please note you won’t be able to run most processing jobs using cryoSPARC. CryoSPARC requires at least one NVIDIA GPU.

If this function returns an error, it usually means that the initial startup of cryoSPARC failed. Is it possible if you can restart cryoSPARC? cryosparcm restart.